This unhappy 26-year-old man who suffers from a rare skin disease forced to hide from people

This unhappy 26-year-old man who suffers from a rare skin disease forced to hide from people

- The 26-year-old gentleman was born with extremely rare skin condition

- His father allegedly took off when he had not yet been born

- And his mom abandoned him when he was only 12 because of his skin

- Locals call him evil ghost and monster because of his scary look

- He hides himself from public to avoid being ridiculed. But there is now hope

A 26-year-old man who was abandoned by parents and forced to hide himself because people thought he was an ‘evil ghost’ finally meets a Good Samaritan.

Antonio Reloj from Filipino has been living in constant agony and fear because of his extremely rare skin disease that makes him look scary.

“People think I am a monster. They mock and call me many funny names. I used to visit the local market, but I stopped because of the bad treatment. The locals don’t believe that I am also human,” says Reloj.

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Man, 26, who suffers from a rare skin disease forced to hide from people

Antonio Rejol, 26, suffers from rare skin disease.

According to the medics, Rejol is suffering from a condition known as ichthyosis. This is a disease that makes the skin look as if it was burned. It hardens and cracks the skin.

Rejol was born with the terrible disease. He has been staying with his grandma ever since his own mother left him when he was only 12 years old.

Over the years, the young man’s condition has deteriorated to the extent that his eyes have started bulging out. His look explains why some people think he is not human like them.

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“They call him creature. Others have dubbed him monster, and some believe he is a living evil ghost that should be avoided,” says Jesselyn Rebutar, Rejol’s caring cousin.

Luckily, a Good Samaritan, who heard about Rejol’s pain and suffering through the local media, has offered to help him.

The unnamed Good Samaritan has reportedly taken Rejol to Manila where the medics are said to be looking into his case before advanced treatment can commence.

His dream is to become an electrician when he gets well.

Meanwhile, watch this video below about amazing health benefits of taking cucumber:


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