Wonderful! Meet woman who is creating an African Culture Encyclopedia (photos)
Wonderful! Meet woman who is creating an African Culture Encyclopedia (photos) - A Ghanaian historian is creating an important cultural legacy for Africa - She has developed an African Culture Encyclopedia - The 54-volume text will gather information on all the countries from the continent A Ghanaian woman has proposed herself to create a thoroughly important and groundbreaking collection of African culture information, which has been put together in a 54-volume Encyclopedia. Nana Oforiatta-Ayim, Mphil in African Languages and Cultures, has mainly worked as a writer and art historian. She first conceived the idea of creating a comprehensive archive of African art and culture in 2009, when she was working towards a PhD. Nana Oforiatta-Ayim, the mastermind behind the project. “I would go to the underground library vaults, and I would find theses that were so brilliant and interesting, and yet no one was looking at it and it is so valuable… I was thinking that the narrative...