Psalmos Releases New Live Recording, "Ologo Didan" | WATCH NOW

From the stable of Oniyo Music and Arts Limited, Talented Nigerian gospel Music Minister, Praise and Worship leader, Songwriter & Vocal Powerhouse, Mobolaji Dekunle Oniyo professionally known as "PSALMOS" which means (instrument of worship) has finally released her new live recording single, ‘OLOGO DIDAN' as we celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ.

Matt. 2:10" When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy."
We Rejoice greatly in our Lord and Saviour even as we approach 2022.
-Song arranged by @psalmosofficial and @dekunleoniyo
-Verse lyrics by @adeyinka.adewusi
-Chorus - Public domain
-Keyboardist and engineer @dekunleoniyo
- Bassist @darey_oni
- Guitar @itaiwomichael
- Percussionist @santo_magic_touch
- Drummer @djjazz_snr
- Singer 1 @lizzymooore
- Singer2 @victoriaodebo
- Singer3 @mary
- Singer4 @timiesther
- Video credit and editing @gospelloop @gospelloopmedia
- Pictures @shotecphotography
- Studio @oniyomusicandartslimited
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