University of Osun 400l student declared missing (photo)
A university student at University of Osun named Sonibare Oluwafemi Timileyin is missing.
Sonibare Oluwafemi Timileyin who is a university student at Osun state University (UNIOSUN) has been declared missing.
Timileyin who is a final year student from the department of Microbiology. He was last seen before he went to the marker to buy some food.
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Sonibare Oluwafemi Timileyin, missing University of Osun 400l student.
Amiloaded gathered that Oluwafemi resides at the Harmony Estate, direct opposite of a mosque around the University. His family and friends are still looking for his last known whereabouts and are desperate to find him.
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Any informations about about him or his last appearance can be reported to his school, the Police or call 08132398894, 08164379004.
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