Landlord drags lady to court, throws her property out of the house (photos, video)
A beautiful young lady has just been evicted from her home after she had a misunderstanding with her landlord.
This lady who was identified as Sandra Duru is the founder of Pre-Adult Affairs Organization (PAAO) an NGO recognized by the United Nations and a former advisor to the Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON).
The landlord of her house at community road off Allen Avenue in Lagos threw out her properties after he dragged her to court and won the case.
Sandra's property being thrown out of the house
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Sandra Duru played a vital role in the election of Imo state governor Rochas Okorocha. In 2013 she considered forming her own political party and running for the state governorship herself. The video of how her properties were thrown out of the house was shared by Rotr Gift Adene via her Facebook handle.
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However, reports have it that Sandra has allegedly relocated to the US with her children and has abandoned the house since last year.
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