Touching! Burn survivor shares recovery story on Instagram, says time is the greatest teacher (photos)
A burn survivor simply identified as, Julie, has shared her inspiring recovery story on her Instagram page.
Julie expressed that she had promised herself that she would share her experience with the world.
Burn survivor shares her touching recovery story on Instagram
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According to her, during the period of her recovery she discovered that a lot of people who are suffering in the world refuse to accept who they are.
Burn survivor shares her story with the world
The lady further said she has learned so much during her time of recovery, adding that time is the greatest teacher.
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Pretty lady shares story of her burn recovery
Read what she wrote below:
"When I first got burned I made the decision to be honest and open about recovery mentally and physically. I made it my business to share my experience because I learned that so many more people in this world struggled with accepting themselves whether it was internal or external scarring. I never wanted people to think this was easy but I also didn't want them to think this was something they couldn't overcome. These 8 months have been a rollercoaster. My world was changing and I had to catch up. In my eyes I wanted things to move faster than they was. Time and time again the people around me would stress the importance of being patient! Time is a great teacher and life never goes as planned. 8 months later I've learned to trust time. Things won't usually go how we imagine or when we expected but the timing is always right. When we least expect it our lives can change and if we are patient enough to learn the lessons being taught, it can become a beautiful experience. #burnsurvivor”
People who have survived an accident or any form of physical pain usually struggle with mental, physical and emotional trauma. would like to urge Nigerians to encourage and help those who have suffered any kind of trauma.
Not everyone can be as brave as Miss Julie.
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