Woman who served God for 60 years tells her story
- A nun that served the church for 60 years explains the joy and rigors of being a nun
- She considers herself married to God and even wears a ring to show her allegiance
- The 79-year-old thinks she is lucky for finding her true purpose in life
79-year-old Sister Mary Germaine Nakandi has devoted 60 years of her life to serving God.
Sister Makandi considers herself married to God ever since she got a ring to commemorate her allegiance to the church.
Sister Nakandi has been a nun for the last 60 years
She recalls that she decided to become a nun because of her father. She recalls: “All the time, my father read me scriptures and always talked to me about serving the Lord, encouraging me to join nuns.”
She began to serve the lord at the age of 12 after she joined the Little Sisters of St Francis, where her cousin was a nun.
For seven years Sister Nakandi trained and studied to become a professional nun going through different stages of education.
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She explains: “As nuns, we live a peaceful life but are responsible for others and while we go to work in the different places, we are paid but the money goes to the convent treasury and it is from this fund that many other Sisters are educated and cared for because they have no source of money.”
“I don’t think being a nun is for everyone. It is a calling for the chosen. Someone may be called but not chosen. These usually fall back into the world while those that are chosen persevere and stay in the service of God,” said Sister Nakandi.
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