Meet mother allergic to own unborn child (photos)
- A woman developed a serious allergic reaction to her own unborn baby
- She suffered all sorts of sickness, at by the end of her pregnancy, a red rash
- The itchiness unbearably spread all around her body
A first-time mother experienced the most unusual allergic reaction to her unborn child, which rendered her belly filled with a bright red rash that stayed right up to the moment she gave birth.
Jessica with baby daughter Ivy
23-year old Jessica Williams, of Hampshire in the UK, at first thought thought her daughter was “trying to kill me.”
Jessica started having problems since her seventh week into pregnancy. The symptoms came as serious vomiting, a strange flu, and then, at 28 weeks, she could not get up. “Mum was so worried she drove me to the doctors, who called an ambulance after realizing how high my blood pressure was,” she recalls.
The father of her child, Daniel Powell, stood with her throughout the difficult experience.
At the hospital doctors found out she had blood clots in her lungs, which could eventually be fatal, and anemia.
By 38 weeks, the angry red rash spread all over her body. It “was unbearably itchy and it would keep me awake at night,” Jessica said, adding that “I even scratched my skin so much that it bled.”
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Jessica's pregnancy rash.
Her condition was diagnosed as polymorphic eruption in pregnancy (PEP), related to hormone changes. All she could do is take antihistamines to soothe the rash.
Their daughter, Ivy, was thankfully born healthy, and is now six months.
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“As the nurses stitched me up, I glanced down at my stomach and was shocked to see the rash fading in front of my eyes - it was fascinating to watch,” Jessica commented, claiming that she would be willing to go through everything again in order to have a second child, even though doctors said it will be highly unlikely she will have the same condition again.
She must be thankful for that!
Another case of strange allergies:
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