Heartless! Woman seriously wanted by the police for doing this terrible thing to her 16-year-old son (photo)

Heartless! Woman seriously wanted by the police for doing this terrible thing to her 16-year-old son (photo)

A housewife identified as, Bisola Olukoya, has been arrested by the Ogun state Police Command for allegedly killing her 16-year-old son.

Premium Times reports that, the command’s Public Relations Officer (PRO), Abimbola Oyeyemi, confirmed the incident on Friday March 24, saying the suspect committed the crime at Onifade-Itele town of the state.

Evil mother on the run, after mercilessly beating and secretly burying teenage son (photo)

Bisola Olukoya

One Mrs Bisola Olukoya of No 40, Ifelodun Street Onifade Itele has been arrested by the Ogun State Command for beating her 16 years old son Toheeb Olukoya to death,” the police spokesperson said.

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Oyeyemi further added that, the incident happened on Friday, March 17. He said the suspect, while beating the deceased, used a plank to hit him on the head, after which the boy fell down and died. Also, the suspect hurriedly buried the deceased in connivance with her husband and ran away from the house.

The police spokesperson said immediately the information got to the police, the Divisional Police Officer in Itele Division, Lukmon Adejumo, led the detectives to investigate and the suspect was later traced and arrested at Iyana Ipaja in Lagos.

He said ‎the commissioner of Police, Ahmed Iliyasu, has ordered the immediate transfer of the suspect to the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department. He also appealed to the public to always control their temperament especially when correcting their wards.

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