Wife stabs husband's teen mistress 6 times after she cheated on her and their baby died
- Natasha Khan was jailed for stabbing her husband's teen mistress Leah Cryne
- The 18-year-old wife stabbed Cryne six times
- Cryne was rushed to the hospital for various wounds to her right shoulder and her left arm
- Khan was convicted for three years and four months
Natasha Khan
18-year-old Natasha Khan, from Whalley Range, Manchester, was charged with three years and four months in prison after stabbing Leah Cryne, her husband's teenage mistress, subsequently he cheated on her while she sat with their dying baby at hospital.
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According to police the stabbing occurred following angry phone calls between the two women which culminated in Miss Cryne snapping and saying: "I hope your son dies and when he does I'm going to dig him up and spit on him."
Khan was detained on April 11
In response Khan retorted: "Watch it - when I see you, God help you."
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Cryne, who is also 18-year-old, was knifed six times and taken to the hospital where she had to stay for two days because she had a 1.5cm deep laceration to her right shoulder, 4cm laceration to her left forearm and a 2cm graze to her head.
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The couple had Aydin together in March 2015 but he was born 24 weeks prematurely and was kept in hospital until he died.
After police spoke to the victim, they arrested Khan near St Mary's Hospital where her one-month-old baby Aydin was lying gravely ill after being born prematurely.
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Khan was detained on April 11 but initially claimed she had been in the neo-natal department at the time of the stabbing.
Two weeks later Khan confessed to carrying out the attack to a support worker saying: "I stabbed her up six times. I stabbed her up."
The 18-year-old wife stabbed Cryne six times
After her conviction Khan, was locked away for three years and four months in a young offenders' institute after she admitted wounding with intent and a separate offence failing to answer her bail.
She was also issued with a restraining order preventing her from contacting Miss Cryne indefinitely.
Khan had married husband Hamza Farid in an Islamic ceremony and the couple had Aydin together in March 2015 but he was born 24 weeks prematurely and was kept in hospital until he died.
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